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Advice Response

Response Shape

Multiply's advice engine outputs advice in a JSON format.

messageStringStatus of the API request
status"success" "error"Whether the API call has been successful
data.engine_output.messageStringSummary information around advice generation
data.engine_output.successBooleanWhether advice has been successfully generated
data.planPlanFinancial advice output (see below)


recommendation_groupsRecommendationGroupGroups of recommendations by theme
recommendations[Recommendation]List of recommendations associated with the advice
todos[Todo]List of single actions associated with the advice
suitability_report_linkStringLink to Multiply hosted pdf document
_extra_dataExtraDataExtra data associated with the advice generation

Recommendation Group

A recommendation group is a collection of recommedations geared towards a single theme.

keyStringUnique key of the group
priorityIntPriority of the group of recommendations
titleStringTitle, for display to customer
subtitleStringSubtitle, for display to customer
factfind_summaryStringSummary of factfind information relevant to the recommendation group theme, for display to customer


A recommendation is a collection of actions the user should take to address a specific need.

idStringUnique ID of the recommendation
nameStringRecommendation type name
recommendation_group_keyStringKey of associated recommendation group
copy.nameStringRendered name of the recommendation, for display to customer
copy.titleStringRendered title of the recommendation, for display to customer
copy.subtitleStringRendered subtitle of the recommendation, for display to customer
copy.explanationStringRendered explanation of the recommendation, for display to customer


Todos are single actions that form the users plan. These include actions to set up new products, transfer money between products, increasing contributions etc.

idStringUnique ID of the action
lockedBooleanWhether the todo is actionable at the current time
recommendation_group_keyStringKey of associated recommendation group
titleStringRendered title of the action, for display to customer
subtitleStringRendered subtitle of the action, for display to customer
copy.explanationStringRendered explanation of the recommendation, for display to customer

Extra Data

Multiply can provide additional data with the advice repsonse. Typically this data is used by partners to render further templates or to provide insight into the output of the advice engine.

Data available includes:

  • Individual needs information for the customer, including explanatory steps around how needs have been calculated, e.g.:
"bill_cover_user": {
"already_allocated": 0.0,
"explanation_steps": [
"Mortgage repayment: 0.00 / month",
"Mortgage or rent plus utilities: 1,700.00 / month",
"Net income: 2,100.00 / month",
"Cover adjusted by fraction of household income (0.43) as all adults are eligible for bill cover",
"Max bill cover based on income: 840.00",
"Max bill cover: 1,714.29",
"Final capped shortfall: 728.57"
"target_amount": 16.0
  • Diagnostic information around how Multiply's advice has allocated a customers funds according to their hierarchy of needs

  • A list of recommended transactions for the user, e.g.:

"amount": 100.0,
"source_id": "ASSET_ID_K",
"source_owner": "user",
"source_type": "credit_union_account",
"target_id": "NEW_ASSET_20",
"target_is_new": true,
"target_owner": "joint",
"target_type": "savings_deposit_account",
"type": "MOVE"
  • Wealth projection for the customer up to their retirement age e.g.:
"wealth_projection": {
"current_wealth": "1100",
"final_wealth": "1587000.0",
"wealth_projection": [
"date": "2022-01-01",
"goals": [],
"wealth": "1100"
"date": "2023-01-01",
"goals": [],
"wealth": "40000"

For more information, please contact support.

Advice Content Customisation

Multiply's advice engine relies on dynamic templates to generate advice content. Multiply can provide a base implementation of content required to generate advice, but we can also customise any fields. In particular, the following fields are customisable:

  • Recommendation Copy. This include explanations for each recommendations, titles and subtitles for recommendation content and summary information about a user's factfind"
  • Suitability Letter / Report. Multiply renders these in PDF form, and they are templated in an XML format.
  • Single Todo Copy

Multiply uses Mustache templates, and these can make use of variables generated as part of the advice process, as well as variables relating to a customer's factfind.

This content is customisable through Multiply's content management dashboard, and Multiply can support adapting our base templates to existing content that you may use in any advice communications. You can find out more by contacting our sales team here.

Sample Response