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Status & Error codes

Successful Responses for REST requests

HTTP StatusDescription
200OK. The request has been successful
201Created. The request has been successful and a new resource has been created.

Error Responses

HTTP StatusError CodeDescription
400'bad_request'The request is malformed in some way, and cannot be parsed by the server.
400'validation_error'The request is properly formed, but parameters included are not valid.
401'authorization_error'The authorization header included with the request is not valid.
403'forbidden'The request was made with a valid authorisation header, but the token used to generate this does not have sufficient permissions to carry out the request.
404'not_found'The resource requests has not been found.
405'bad_method'The HTTP verb used is not allowed.
429'exceeded_rate_limit'This means you have hit a rate limit on the API.
500'multiply_error'An unexpected internal server error ocurred while processing your request. This should be reported to the Multiply support team.