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Retrieve the Factfind for a given user

GraphQL Schema

extend type query {
"""Retrieve the Factfind for a given user"""
factfind(userId: ID!): Factfind!


userIdID!Unique ID of the user

Response Shape

This query returns Factfind!

idID!Unique ID of the object
planningForPlanScopeWho the plan is for
maritalStatusMaritalStatusUser's marital status
hasChildrenBooleanDoes the user have children?
numberOfChildrenIntNumber of children
ageOfChildren[Int]Age of children
otherDependantsBooleanAny other dependants?
relationshipToDependantsDependantRelationshipRelationship to dependants
numberOfOtherDependantsIntNumber of other dependants
relationshipToOtherDependants[DependantRelationship]Relationship to dependants
ownsHomeBooleanWhether the user owns their own home
hasMortgageBooleanWhether the user has a mortgage on their home
userSpecificFactfindPersonFactfindAdditional factfind information relating to the user
partnerSpecificFactfindPersonFactfindAdditional factfind information relating to the user's partner
monthlyRentFloatMonthly rent
monthlyUtilitiesFloatMonthly utilities cost
monthlyOutgoingEssentialsFloatEssential monthly spending - should be >= than monthlyRent + monthlyUtilities
extraMonthlyOutgoingEssentialsFloatExtra Essential monthly spending should be (essentialOutgoings - monthlyRent - monthlyBills)
monthlyOutgoingNonEssentialsFloatNon essential monthly spending
vulnerableBooleanIs the user vulnerable